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The Veritas Parents Teachers Friends Association (PTFA) is an organisation run solely by volunteer parents of the school.

We want to help create a strong community spirit for our school that we can all take part in and help raise money towards extra resources and facilities for the school.

The objectives of our PTA quite simply are to organise fundraising activities, to involve as many people (pupils, parents, teachers) as possible and to make the activities fun!

Want to get involved?

We have a few members already but will always welcome more bodies.

We understand that not everyone is able to attend meetings or help out at events but you may still wish to be involved, and there are ways everyone can help. We have set up a group e-mail so please e-mail us at [email protected] if you would like to be included in communications.

Our Role

Veritas PTFA organises fundraising events that enhance the children and parent’s school experience by:

* Raising money for the school, enhancing the facilities for our children

* Organising events that the children (and parents) genuinely enjoy – this helps reinforce the idea that school is a great place to be!

* Connecting parents with each other and the school.

What do we provide?

Since January 2022 the PTFA have raised approximately £5,000. Over the last year money has been used to:

-Purchased a reading shed on the school field for children to enjoy reading during playtimes. (This was also used for Santa’s grotto for the Christmas fayre which was enjoyed by the children of all ages including Santa!)

-Every term we give money to the playground leaders so they can purchase equipment to give the children a variety of new activities to play with.

-Purchased new equipment to support the forest schools area.

-Given a donation towards the y6 performance and leavers trip.


This year we are fundraising to:

-Create more reading areas for high quality texts within school to support and encourage the love of reading.

-Purchase equipment to develop the proposed sensory room.

How do we achieve these goals?

We can only be successful with our fundraising if we have the support of the parents at the school. As a committee we organise a variety of events such as the Christmas and Summer Fayres, the Halloween disco, monthly cake sales, Ice-lolly Days, silver trail, refreshment stalls and competitions etc.

Some events are organised for the children to enjoy, whilst others provide the opportunity for parents to get to know one another and have some fun at the same time!

You can help by …

* Supporting our events – information about the events will be sent out via study bugs on letters day and through our Facebook page.

* Suggestions - Any ideas for fundraising ideas are always welcome!

* Use - https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/veritasptfa/ If you’re buying anything, click on the link above and over 2,700 retailers will donate a percentage of the order to the school. You don’t pay anything extra.

* Help us out – we always need help at our events so please consider joining the whatsapp group of volunteers.

* Join us – Every parent/carer of a child enrolled at Veritas Primary Academy is automatically a member of the PTFA. Everyone on the committee is a volunteer, so if you have a little time to spare, please consider joining us.

Your contribution can be as large or small as you wish.

Keep up to date with all our latest events and news on our Facebook Page! December 2024 Newsletter